Data Engineering with roronoazoro

Becoming a Financial Data Engineer

My First Blog Post: Becoming a Fintech Data Engineer

Zoro Kaku

I've always enjoyed writing and working with data, but writing about this passion was something I didn't think I’d enjoy—yet here I am.

The goal of this blog is to explore the journey of becoming the most unserious but greatest data engineer, just like roronoa zoro who is equally the greatest but unserious samurai. A data engineer should be adept at working with various forms of data, and I believe that financial big data represents the last frontier in data engineering.

Breaking into this field is extremely competitive, and if I can achieve it without a FAANG background, I'll literally sleep for two days

This Journey is inspired by a group of individuals whose content I’ve followed religiously over the past few months.

These people all have one thing in common: they transitioned from non-technical backgrounds to become software or fintech engineers. So, I’m gonna put in the same work they did

  1. Jwasham
  2. The Coding Jesus
  3. Tamer Khraisha

So, what’s the goal?

  1. Learn about finance, including topics like options and derivatives.
  2. Acquire the technical skills needed to become a financial data engineer.

What’s not the goal?

  1. I don’t want to become a quantitative analyst, as there is considerable overlap between the roles of a "financial data engineer" and a "quant."

  2. I definitely do not want to become a quantitative developer. My aim is to handle large amounts of data and provide it to the quants for further analysis.


Here’s the first post in a series of long, and possibly boring, entries on my journey/ also I am studying for some AWS certifications there will be a lot of posts on that